Fractional calculus for continuum mechanics – anisotropic non-locality

W. Sumelka
2016 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences  
In this paper, a generalisation of previous author's formulation of fractional continuum mechanics for the case of anisotropic non-locality is presented. The discussion includes a review of competitive formulations available in literature. The overall concept is based on the fractional deformation gradient which is non-local due to fractional derivative definition. The main advantage of the proposed formulation is its structure, analogous to the general framework of classical continuum
more » ... . In this sense, it allows to define similar physical and geometrical meaning of introduced objects. The theoretical discussion is illustrated by numerical examples assuming anisotropy limited to single direction.
doi:10.1515/bpasts-2016-0041 fatcat:4nhcrmfxxzb2jlfzqz4qrcvjr4