Undifferentiated Carcinoma with Lymphoid Stroma of the Esophagus. Report of a Case
Lymphoid stromaを伴った食道非小細胞型末分化癌の1例

Kazushige Kanki, Yutaka Yoshizumi, Yoshihisa Morisaki, Yoshiaki Sugiura, Seiichi Tamai, Shinsuke Aida, Shingo Shima, Susumu Tanaka
1997 The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery  
A case of non-small cell undifferentiated carcinoma with lymphoid stroma of the esophagus in a 75-year-old woman is described. The chief presenting complaint was dysphagia . Biopsy revealed undiffer entiated carcinoma. Surgery was performed after chemotherapy with intravenous CDDP at 80 mg/m2 . In the surgical specimen, most of the tumor was covered with normal mucosa , as in submucosal tumors. Microscopic observation revealed proliferation of relatively large malignant cells with marked
more » ... d infiltration, predominantly of T-cells. The pathological diagnosis of the tumor was made as undiffer entiated carcinoma since there was no finding of sequamous or glandular differentiation , histologic stage a2n4, stage IV. One year and 10 months later, a recurrent tumor in a cervical lymph node was resected . The prognosis of undifferentiated carcinoma of the esophagus is generally recognized as poor but some cases with lymphoid stroma have been reported to have a favorable prognosis . In this case, the prognosis was relatively favorable in spite of the advanced stage , and the patient is doing well 3 years and 5 months after esophagectomy. This is the 5th report in Japan of carcinoma of the esophagus with lymphoid stroma.
doi:10.5833/jjgs.30.754 fatcat:7nfuvkhafvc2ja3nv3ioffvuse