Measurement Method of Residual Stress around the Fiber of Smart Materials
106 スマート材料のファイバー周辺の残留応力測定(OS 知的材料・構造システム(2))

S. Kishimoto, Yong Ming Xing, N. Shinya
2004 The Proceedings of the Materials and processing conference  
Amethod to measure the residual stress around the fiber of the smart materiais of ∬ber reinf ( ) rced compOsites presented in this study . The residual strains ( stresses ) around the fibers are released by pushing the行ber out . The released residua 且strains are measured using an electron moir6 technique, which oan fabricate ghds with frequencies up to 10 , 000 lines ! mmi on the eemposites s 曲 ce so 丗 at a displacement sensitivity of 100nm can be achieved , This method can be apphed to almost
more » ... mart materials using the optica 田 bers and the五ber − reinfbrced composites , such as fiber −reinfbrced plastics ( FRPs ) . Measurements of the interfacial residual stress in SiCrri − 15 − 3 and boron ! epoxy composites show the validity of the method .
doi:10.1299/jsmemp.2004.12.17 fatcat:6blxy5c6vrgljgfqeevaqo5jia