Cetyl triacontanoate and other constituents from Acacia jacquemontii and Kigelia pinnata

Pahup Singh, Poonam Khandelwal, Kuldeep K. Sharma, M. C. Sharma
2010 Zenodo  
Centre of Advanced Studies, Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302 004, Rajasthan, India E-mail : pahupsingh@yahoo.co.uk Manuscript received 1 March 2010, accepted 17 May 2010 Leaves or Acacia jacquemontii on chemical Investigation afforded a new aliphatic ester - cetyl triacontanoate along with n-triacontanol, n-octacosanol, β-silosterol and stigmasterol while the heartwood of Kigelia pinnata gave lapachol, dehydro-α-lapachone, tecomaqulnone-I, D-sesamin, paulownin,
more » ... iol (kigeliol), kigelinone, β-sltosterol and stigmasterol on reinvestigation. The structures or Isolated compounds were ascertained using various spectral (IR, 1H, 13C NMR,MS) techniques.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5805958 fatcat:a3kzpe3n3zdjncfxw4xnhcfmiy