日本厚生協会の歓喜力行団への眼差し : 『厚生の日本』を手がかりとして

Tsuzuku Makoto
The purpose of this study was to clarify the Japanese recreation association' s perspective on the Kraft durch Freude (KdF)through analysis of " Kosei-no-Nihon" .The Articles about KdF published in " Kosei-no-Nihon"emphasized the practice activity over the purpose and the organization structure of the KdF." Kosei-no-Nihon"reported the practice activity of the KdF as follows: 1) The Practice activity of the KdF covered widespread areas from various types of physical activities to the education
more » ... disseminate Nazi ideology. 2) Excepting domestic and foreign trip, the KdF continued the practice activity even in wartime.3) Soldiers were provided opportunity to appreciate music and drama, while disabled soldiers were offered opportunity for physical activity and education. 4) The KdF attempted to make the Germans gain strength through joy, not refusing to get joy from leisure activity.
doi:10.34349/00000962 fatcat:kkug7vc4tnbf7hgcbec66lkgaq