The Influence of Visual Inducers on Choices in the Different Criterion-loci of Judgments

Kyoko Koga, Noriyuki Kitajima, Takashi Takeda
2012 The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers  
This study examined the effects of visual inducing stimulus on choices when the criterion-locus of judgment was internal or external. In a preference choice task(internal criteria) ,subjects were asked to choose the drawing they preferred from two drawings. In a cognitive choice task(external criteria) ,subjects were asked to choose the drawing that included more elements from two drawings. Visual inducing stimulus(an arrow and/or a CG character)was task-irrelevant and often presented to
more » ... e either alternative. Results showed that the conformity effect was found in cognitive decision tasks, but no effect was found in preference choice tasks. We discuss the process of the inducement by investigating the meanings of criterion-loci of judgments.
doi:10.3169/itej.66.j500 fatcat:s7mx4djjhzbphfqjxs346mbyg4