Report of Working Group 1: Working Group 1 (Groupe de Travail 1) Numerical Data for Astronomers and Astrophysicists (Donneés Numériques pour les Astronomes et les Astrophysiciens)

1971 Transactions of the International Astronomical Union  
During the two sessions held by this Group, a lively and widespread interest in data handling was indicated. More than 80 persons attended each session and 16 countries were represented. The comments of 14 speakers, most of whom are operating data centers in various fields of research, stimulated active discussion. The serious need for coordinated effort and constructive planning with regard to Data Centers was striking. Ignorance of existing centers was apparent. Inter-Commission cooperation
more » ... publicizing all centers within the Union must be stimulated.
doi:10.1017/s0251107x00020411 fatcat:njiiszl3bfgvzjgnd6iv3kzet4