Magnetic Induction Tomography Using Magnetic Dipole and Lumped Parameter Model

Jiyun Jeon, Wonmo Chung, Hungsun Son
2019 IEEE Access  
This paper presents a novel approach to analyze the magnetic field of magnetic induction tomography (MIT) using magnetic dipoles and a lumped parameter model. The MIT is a next-generation medical imaging technique that can identify the conductivity of target objects and construct images. It is noninvasive and can be compact in design and, thus, used as a portable instrument. However, it still exhibits inferior performance due to the nonlinearity, low signal-to-noise ratio of the magnetic field,
more » ... and ill-posed inverse problem. To overcome such difficulties, the magnetic field of the MIT system is first modeled using magnetic dipoles and a lumped parameter. In particular, the extended distributed multipole (eDMP) model is proposed to analyze the system, using magnetic dipoles. The method can dramatically reduce the computational efforts and improve the ill-posed condition. Hence, the forward and inverse problems of MIT are solved using the eDMP method. The modeling method can be validated by comparing with experiments, varying the modeling parameters. Finally, the image can be reconstructed, and then, the position and shape of the object can be characterized to develop the MIT. INDEX TERMS Extended distributed multipole (eDMP), equivalent circuit modeling, magnetic dipole modeling, magnetic induction tomography (MIT), time-varying magnetic field, eddy current model.
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2919140 fatcat:oulccutn7nczho7txgjsi77bga