Theory of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect

V. N. Baier, V. M. Katkov
1998 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
Bremsstrahlung of photons from highly relativistic electrons is investigated. The cross section of the processes, which is suppressed due to a multiple scattering of an emitting electron in dense media (LPM effect) and due to photon interaction with electrons of a medium, is calculated with an accuracy up to "next to leading logarithm" and with the Coulomb corrections taken into account. Making allowances for a multiple scattering and a polarization of a medium an analysis of radiation on a
more » ... et boundary is carried out. The method of consideration of radiation in a thin target under influence of the LPM effect is developed. Interrelation with the recent experiment is discussed.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.57.3146 fatcat:uv45ihmxrjbfzbq2dxpwjoh3oq