Global modelling of the total OH reactivity: investigations on the missing OH sink and its atmospheric implications
Valerio Ferracci, Ines Heimann, N. Luke Abraham, John A. Pyle, Alexander T. Archibald
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
The hydroxyl radical (OH) plays a crucial role in the chemistry of the atmosphere as it initiates the removal of most trace gases. A number of field campaigns have observed the presence of a <q>missing</q> OH sink in a variety of regions across the planet. Comparison of direct measurements of the OH loss frequency, also known as total OH reactivity (<i>k</i><sub>OH</sub>), with the sum of individual known OH sinks (obtained via the simultaneous detection of species such as volatile organic
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... unds and nitrogen oxides) indicates that, in some cases, up to 80&thinsp;% of <i>k</i><sub>OH</sub> is unaccounted for. In this work, the UM-UKCA chemistry-climate model was used to investigate the wider implications of the missing reactivity on the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere. Simulations of the present-day atmosphere were performed and the model was evaluated against an array of field measurements to verify that the known OH sinks were reproduced well, with a resulting good agreement found for most species. Following this, an additional sink was introduced to simulate the missing OH reactivity as an emission of a hypothetical molecule, X, which undergoes rapid reaction with OH. The magnitude and spatial distribution of this sink were underpinned by observations of the missing reactivity. Model runs showed that the missing reactivity accounted for on average 6&thinsp;% of the total OH loss flux at the surface, and up to 50&thinsp;% in regions where emissions of the additional sink were high. The lifetime of the hydroxyl radical was reduced by 3&thinsp;% in the boundary layer, while tropospheric methane lifetime increased by 2&thinsp;% when the additional OH sink was included. The UM-UKCA simulations also allowed us to establish the atmospheric implications of the newly characterised reactions of peroxy radicals (RO<sub>2</sub>) with OH. While the effects of this chemistry on <i>k</i><sub>OH</sub> were minor, the reaction of the simplest peroxy radical, CH<sub>3</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, with OH was found to be a major sink for CH<sub>3</sub>O<sub>2</sub> and source of HO<sub>2</sub> over remote regions at the surface and in the free troposphere. Inclusion of this reaction in the model increased tropospheric methane lifetime by up to 3&thinsp;%, depending on its product branching. Simulations based on the latest kinetic and product information showed that this reaction cannot reconcile models with observations of atmospheric methanol, in contrast to recent suggestions.