Limits on anomalousWWγandWWZcouplings fromWW/WZ→eνjjproduction

B. Abbott, M. Abolins, V. Abramov, B. S. Acharya, D. L. Adams, M. Adams, S. Ahn, V. Akimov, G. A. Alves, N. Amos, E. W. Anderson, M. M. Baarmand (+353 others)
2000 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
Limits on anomalous WWgamma and WWZ couplings are presented from a study of WW/WZ->enujj events in ppbar collisions at sqrts=1.8 TeV. Results from the analysis of data collected using the D0 detector during the 1993-1995 Tevatron collider run at Fermilab are combined with those of an earlier study from the 1992-1993 run. A fit to the transverse momentum spectrum of the W boson yields direct limits on anomalous WWgamma and WWZ couplings. With the assumption that the WWgamma and WWZ couplings are
more » ... equal, we obtain -0.34< lambda < 0.36 (with Delta kappa=0) and -0.43< Delta kappa < 0.59 (with lambda=0) at the 95 confidence level for a form-factor scale Lambda=2.0 TeV.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.62.052005 fatcat:txbjmheftvdvtg47yzznoas2fa