Resilience Measures in Global Production Networks: A Literature Review and Conceptual Framework

Martin Benfer, Bastian Verhaelen, Sina Peukert, Gisela Lanza
2021 Die Unternehmung. Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice  
The resilience of globally interconnected production networks to changes in their environment and internal disruptions is an important research object in business and production science. While many different measures to improve resilience have been suggested in academic literature, effectively choosing measures to improve production networks remains challenging. This contribution analyzes measures to improve the resilience of production networks proposed in the existing body of literature. The
more » ... ost commonly suggested measures are discussed in detail. These measures are structured in a conceptual framework to enable increased clarity regarding the mechanics by which measures improve resilience and to choose specific measures for a production network.
doi:10.5771/0042-059x-2021-4-491 fatcat:2awams5aw5hnhbh2qab37nmkde