Utilization of Biodiesel By-Product Glycerol as Plasticizer for Bioplastic Print Lamination

Gema Suryadi, Antinah Latif, Yessy Situngkir, Henra Sukma
2022 Proceedings of the First Jakarta International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies Towards Creative Industries, JICOMS 2022, 16 November 2022, Jakarta, Indonesia   unpublished
Glycerol as a by-product of biodiesel continues to increase in Indonesia. Glycerol has a vast potential implementation in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and printing industries. This research aims to utilize glycerol as a by-product of palm biodiesel as a plasticizer in bioplastic applications as an alternative material for print laminating. Transesterification is carried out to separate crude glycerol from fatty acid methyl ester (biodiesel). Purification of crude glycerol was carried out using
more » ... phosphoric acid. The results showed that the purified glycerol obtained from the by-product of biodiesel production could be used as a plasticizer for printed lamination bioplastic application. The purified glycerol's pH, density, and viscosity were 7.27; 1,248 g/mL; and 35.63 CST, respectively. The trial of printed lamination has proven that bioplastic lamination is lighter than conventional laminating, according to the higher CIE L* value. Moreover, the total color difference of prints laminated by bioplastics is lower than prints with conventional laminating, indicated by the value of delta E in all color samples of bioplastic laminated prints, which are lower than conventional laminating.
doi:10.4108/eai.16-11-2022.2326050 fatcat:7cdf5rndejhxhjncmduz6eszay