Öğrencilerin Girişimcilik Eğilimi Üzerinde Aile Etkisinin Çok Yönlü Frekans Tabloları Analiziyle Belirlenmesi

Sema Ulutürk Akman
2021 Istanbul Journal of Economics / İstanbul İktisat Dergisi  
Entrepreneurs are vital economic actors that produce economic gains by combining the factors of production, hence creating added value and employment opportunities. Therefore, entrepreneurship is a fundamental tool for economic growth and development. The critical nature of the concepts of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship to the economy and rising interest in this subject has resulted in a proliferation of This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
doi:10.26650/istjecon2021-915975 fatcat:5224njbl6jfplnd7zo36wdffjq