Nauka o polityce w świetle Ustawy 2.0 i aktów wykonawczych

Jarosław Szczepański
2020 Przegląd europejski  
The article aims to analyze changes in public (administrative) law, including the introduction of a new act of law (the so-called "Law 2.0") on higher education and science in 2018 in Poland. Together with the accompanying introductory law and executive acts, Law 2.0 established not only a new legal regime, but also forced institutional changes, that will be analysed in the second part of this article. In addition to the analysis, the article is also presents author's conclusions de lege lata and de lege ferenda.
doi:10.31971/1641-2478pe.1.20.1 fatcat:nnhpdfkuqbfcxht6ogkv6czjga