Supporting Health Equity through a Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Medical Regulation: The FSMB's Initial Steps on a Critical Journey

Jeffrey D. Carter
2022 Journal of Medical Regulation  
Structural inequities built into the American healthcare system and American society have received renewed attention of late due to disparities in COVID-19 treatment and outcomes. Unjust and racially motivated deaths of minoritized and marginalized individuals--often at the hands of those who are meant to offer protection-and significant disparities in key health indicators have become evident. This attention on structural inequities has caused many individuals and organizations to look inward
more » ... nd examine their own histories, policies, and procedures to identify past wrongs and current areas that are open to bias and discrimination. The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) is among such organizations. In 2019, the FSMB embarked on a journey to closely examine its past and to educate itself about how best to move forward in a way that balances the needs and priorities of all those it serves.
doi:10.30770/2572-1852-108.2.29 fatcat:c6msatbjenefzk76nda2e2hqw4