FAULT DETECTION AND MITIGATION IN MULTILEVEL CONVERTER STATCOMS Index Terms: Multi-Level Inverter, Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), Fault Detection and Provide Active and Reactive Power Compensation Technique

Mallikarjun Patil, Ch Reddy
2015 International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science 1 M.Tech Scholar (PS   unpublished
An advanced power electronic components are developed by the FACTS controlled technologies. In this paper we are implemented an innovative fault detection and mitigation of multilevel inverter by using a static synchronous compensators (STATCOM) due the reasons there are proposed like as 1) they produce less harmonic content injection into the power system; 2) it operated under low voltages then corresponding the voltage stress in the STATCOM is also minimized; 3) it produces minimized lower
more » ... tching losses; 4) by placing of active and reactive power compensation technique we can maintain and control the harmonics are very effective manner and hence the performance of the system is enhanced. One drawback of this paper the usage of number of power electronic components higher due to this the life time of the system is reduced. Whenever the single switch is damaged, the system does not goes to the entire (2n + 1)-level STATCOM offline. If suppose there reduced number of switches in the STATCOM, it has the capability to control and provide effective controllability to compensate the faulted currents in the multi-level inverters. The range of STATCOM can withstand up to the faulted switches as given as (2n-1)-level STATCOM. In this implemented paper we can identify the which is under faulted then modified that corresponding switch by implementing the eleven-level STATCOM and the dynamic response of the system is also verified and total harmonic distortion (THD) and active and reactive power compensation techniques are analyzed.