Albert Calderon
1999 unpublished
This project deals with the demonstration of a full size commercial coking reactor (Process Development Unit) using Calderon's proprietary technology for making coke. Originally, the retort was designed to produce two (2) tons of coke/hour. Because of economic reasons, the reactor had to be scaled up to produce eight (8) tons of coke/hour. This scale up necessitated the re-designing of the retort and its components including a revision to the permit. The activities of the past quarter were
more » ... ed on preparing a comprehensive technology assessment for Bechtel's internal use. A new permit was prepared and it shall be submitted to Ohio EPA after Bechtel reviews it; such review is scheduled to be completed by March 31, 1997.
doi:10.2172/780755 fatcat:qoq3dynbhncuxites7n6vj6qta