Off-grid RET barriers and supports in Devepoping countries with case study of Solar Home System in Cambodia

Sophorn CHEA
I cannot thank individually all the professors and IfaS personnel for sharing knowledge and experiences with great patience and courage and with impressive candor and humor. But I would like to single out a few individual who went beyond the duty. Great thanks to Dr. Michael Knaus and Prof. Dr. Peter Heck who always sat down and listened to the problems with anticipationsmade sure that I am going on the right direction. Great thank to Prof. Dr. Michael Bottlinger and Prof. Dr. Dirk Lohr for the
more » ... fruitful discussions and advises. And finally family and the love one-thank you for your supports in the most fundamental way, the confidence, the courage and motivation you instilled in me throughout the writing process and the whole duration of the course.
doi:10.34382/00011786 fatcat:jkz7hxnma5hjjenwhxe2mnxtqq