Influence of Properties of the Room on Parameters of Regulators of the Automated Climatic Systems

Oleg D. Samarin, Irina I. Tishchenkova, Igor' I. Goryunov
2014 Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (2014)   unpublished
A number of solutions to cope with the problem of reducing power consumption by automated climate control systems are discussed in the paper. Interrelationships between the individual parameters of indoor thermal stability and the automatic control of climate systems were studied. The expression for calculating transmission coefficient of the controller was derived. The effect of structural room characteristics on the total energy consumption by indoor climate control systems is established.
more » ... clusions are illustrated by numeric calculations with use of the developed computer program and graphic examples.
doi:10.1061/9780784413616.206 fatcat:zofkeuuj7beg7np5trgeskgw54