Geochronology and Sr isotope geochemistry of late-Hercynian dykes from Sardinia

Carmela Vaccaro, Piero Atzori, Aldo Del Moro
Fifteen Rb/Sr and 40Ar/MAr mineral ages were obtained on peraluminous, calcalkaline, transitional and alkaline late-Hercyman dykes intruding the Hercynian batholith in Northern and Central Sardinia. Ages and initial Sr isotopic ratios (Sr,) closely mirror the subdivision into petrochemical groups and outline two tectonic domains with a different magmatic history. In the South, dyke intrusions are limited to peraluminous and high Sr calcalkaline products clustered between 298 ± 5 and 289 ± 4 Ma
more » ... ith Sr, between .7164 and .7091 In the North, which underwent a significant exhumation and crustal thinning, the evolution took place from peraluminous (282 ± 4 to 268 ± 4 Ma, .7100 to .7149) to low Sr, calcalkaline (270 ± 10 Ma, ca. .7060) to alkaline dykes (230 ± 10 Ma, ca .7040). The tectonic environment, thus, changed from orogemc to anorogemc continental.
doi:10.5169/seals-54358 fatcat:g7pkknjg6fc5vmotb55odajqr4