Genetic, Maternal, School, Intelligence, and Media Use Predictors of Adult Criminality: A Longitudinal Test of the Catalyst Model in Adolescence through Early Adulthood

Christopher J. Ferguson, James D. Ivory, Kevin M. Beaver
2013 Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma  
The catalyst model suggests that adult criminality arises from the interaction of genetic and proximal social influences such as fam-15 ily influences, but that distal social influences such as media exposure have only negligible influence. This article uses data from a 13-year longitudinal study of adolescent health to examine the catalyst model. As expected by the catalyst model, adult criminality was best explained by a confluence of genetic and proximal social 20 risk factors. The influence
more » ... of media exposure on adult criminality was negligible. Implications of these findings for both theory and policy are discussed.
doi:10.1080/10926771.2013.785457 fatcat:67qmhelrevacfodf4he42rxbca