Communication Accommodation in Situational Crisis Communication for Business Sustainability: Case Study Concerning Online Transportation in Indonesia

Dorien Kartikawangi
2021 Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Universitas Indonesia Conference (APRISH 2019)   unpublished
Phenomena concerning online transportation, particularly online bike transportation, have pro and cons. This research aims to determine the strategy and implementation of crisis communication conducted by online transportation. In this regard, such crisis occurs as the impact of demonstration held by online transportation drivers in their efforts to increase tariff that results in the implication of multicrisis faced by stakeholders includes other relevant service providers. Data were gathered
more » ... y conducting interviews and in-situ observations on the basis of communication accommodation and crisis communication theories. Such research applied the constructivist paradigm and case study approach. The research indicates that the occurrence of demonstration is triggered by the formation of the two driver groups in their capacity as free human resources for online transportation. The first group consists of drivers with willingness to work hard diligently, and the other group consists of drivers that merely disappoint to the present condition. The last-mentioned group as a minority group often presents demonstration by performing pressure to drivers who refuse demonstration toward delaying or even stopping the online services that lead to the crisis occurrence. Any mapping concerning the environmental situation shows that the increasing tariff will lead to decreasing consumers, which finally leads to the increasing number of drivers without income. The management wants to raise tariffs after having formal policy from the government. Contrarily, the government faces difficulties in determining the ideal tariff of taxis and online transportation. In this situation, three main parties are involved, namely, management, drivers, and government, who must build an intensive dialog to determine the acceptable tariff. Such problem occurred because of external and internal situations that is indicated by the presence of the pressure group among drivers. The ultimate notice ought to be mentioned by the management is a two-way communication and the engagement of drivers which is convinced as an effective way toward business sustainability. Facing the abovementioned complex situation, the author proposes horizontal communication, convergence and divergence, and an action plan of applicable communication for managing the sustainability of online transportation from the perspective of economy, legal, and online technology.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.210531.013 fatcat:c4qbp2onb5fdpl3uw4qnea2jd4