Effect of Exotic Species on Local Flora and Fauna in and around Sengaon

Yede SW, Kalyankar VB, Shinde VD
2016 International Journal of Life-Sciences Scientific Research  
The many exotic species introduction has been causing chaos in biological world as they turned in to invasive species by making interspecific competition stronger mentioned by Darwin in theory of natural selection. Effect of Parthenium spp. of plant and Clarias gariepinus of fish in India has been one of the problems in the same terms. In the present study we have noted the effect of a new exotic animal emu Dromaius novaehollandiae, fish Clarias gariepinus and plant Parthenium spp. collectively
more » ... in the region, indicating its effect on other life forms because of absence of natural predators for the same.
doi:10.21276/ijlssr.2016.2.5.4 fatcat:gdcnjkuubratpi6343zilzfbzq