Amphiphilic hyperbranched polymers from the copolymerization of a vinyl and divinyl monomer: The potential of catalytic chain transfer polymerization

Niels M.B. Smeets
2013 European Polymer Journal  
This feature article focuses on the synthesis of amphiphilic hyperbranched polymers. There is a growing interest in the properties of these nanostructured materials and the copolymerization of a vinyl and divinyl monomer in the presence of a chain transfer agent, provides a simple, versatile and scalable synthesis route. In particular the use of catalytic chain transfer (CCT) will be highlighted. CCT is a very efficient and versatile chemistry for molecular weight control and the synthesis of
more » ... nyl x-end functionalized polymers (e.g. macromonomers) in free radical polymerization. This makes CCT an interesting option for the synthesis of hyperbranched polymers as the use of cobaloxime complexes allows for control over the polymer architecture as well as x-endgroup functionality. An overview of the synthesis of hyperbranched polymers via the copolymerization of a vinyl and divinyl monomer is presented, followed with a number of examples of amphiphilic hyperbranched polymers and their applications.
doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2013.05.006 fatcat:2y2b6whedjfzrnt33lt57zmxbi