A distributed repository for immutable persistent objects

Douglas Wiebe
1986 Conference proceedings on Object-oriented programming systems, languages and applications - OOPLSA '86  
Jasmine is an object-oriented system for programming-in-the-large. Jasmine describes software using system model objects. These objects are persistent (they have lifetimes of days or decades) and immutable (since system models act as historical records). This paper describes JStore, a distributed, replicated repository for system model objects. JStore provides robust, transactional, write .once storage. Designs are presented for the serialization, location, and replication of objects.
more » ... n procedures serialize objects for network transmission and permanent storage. An expanding ring multicazt search algorithm locates saved objects. JStors replicates objects using a lazy replication algorithm built on top of the location mechanism. Decision procedures determine the replication policy used at each storage site. Pennimon to copy without fee all or Pen of this material is grunted provided that the copies are not made or distrilmU:d for direct commercial advanUq~, the ACM copydsht notice and the title offl:e publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by pennimion of the Amociation for Compuun8 Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/ or specific permission. 0 1986 ACM 0-89791-204-7/86/0900-0453 7~¢
doi:10.1145/28697.28744 dblp:conf/oopsla/Wiebe86 fatcat:s676znunlrepfh36alpu6jkz54