Bildung von Alkylcarbenium-Ionen im System Aluminium-(Gallium-)halogenid/Halogenwasserstoff / Formation of Alkylcarbenium Ions in the System Aluminium (Gallium) Halide/ Hydrogen Halide

Franz Kalchsclimid, Erwin Mayer
1979 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
The tert-butyl cation is formed in the reaction of tert-BuCl with AlCl3 or GaCl3 in anhydrous liquid HCl as a solvent, or of tert-BuBr with AlBr3 in HBr. At - 30 °C solutions of [C(CH3)3+] are stable. At room temperature very slow decomposition occurs over months. In the systems BCI3/HCl, InCl3/HCl and BBr3/HBr no formation of [C(CH3)3+] from the corresponding tert-butyl halide was observed. The tert-amyl cation can be stabilized only in AlBr3/HBr. The iso-propyl cation is not stable in any of
more » ... he systems investigated. The ability of the Lewis acids employed to form carbenium ions corresponds with their catalytic activity in Friedel-Crafts alkylations.
doi:10.1515/znb-1979-0405 fatcat:4guwgebjnndypjej63xfuhmwz4