New boundary element analysis of acoustic problems with the fictitious eigenvalue issue

M. Tanaka, Y. Arai, T. Matsumoto
2007 WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation   unpublished
This paper is concerned with a new approach for avoiding the fictitious eigenfrequency problem to boundary element analysis of three-dimensional acoustic problems governed by Helmholtz equation. It is well known that in solving without any care the external acoustic problem which includes internal sub-domains by means of the boundary integral equation, the solution is disturbed at fictitious eigenfrequencies corresponding to the internal sub-domains. The present paper proposes a new boundary
more » ... ment analysis to circumvent such the fictitious eigenfrequency problem, which is an alternative boundary integral equation approach to the Burton-Miller one. The present approach is implemented, and its validity and effectiveness are demonstrated through numerical computation of typical examples.
doi:10.2495/be070061 fatcat:u2jhgww3rjcrvmyhnewzbsnumq