Implementation of realtime STRAIGHT speech manipulation system: Report on its first implementation

Hideki Banno, Hiroaki Hata, Masanori Morise, Toru Takahashi, Toshio Irino, Hideki Kawahara
2007 Acoustical Science and Technology  
A very high quality speech analysis, modification and synthesis system-STRAIGHThas now been implemented in C language and operated in realtime. This article first provides a brief summary of STRAIGHT components and then introduces the underlying principles that enabled realtime operation. In STRAIGHT, the built-in extended pitch synchronous analysis, which does not require analysis window alignment, plays an important role in realtime implementation. A detailed description of the processing
more » ... s, which are based on the so-called "just-in-time" architecture, is presented. Further, discussions on other issues related to realtime implementation and performance measures are also provided. The software will be available to researchers upon request.
doi:10.1250/ast.28.140 fatcat:3o65mb5ya5bphbuj3dci4tml6m