Aspects of the Evolution of an Important Geo-Ecosystem in the Lessinian Mountain (Venetian Prealps, Italy)
Leonardo Latella, Ugo Sauro
Acta Carsologica
Izvleček UDK 551.442:574.4 (234.323.4) Leonardo Latella & Ugo Sauro: Pogledi na razvoj pomembnega geo-ekosistema v gorah Lessini (Beneške Predalpe, Italija) Jama Grotta dell' Arena (476 V/VR) v gorah Lessini, 1512 m n.m., je zelo pomemben podzemeljski kraški sistem. Čeprav je dolga le 74 m, vsebuje geološke, geomorfološke in okoljske elemente, značilne za kraško podzemlje Visokih Lessini. Grotta dell' Arena ima nekaj geoloških in favnističnih značilnosti skupnih z drugimi pomembnimi in znanimi
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... raškimi sistemi. Jama je med tistimi z največjim številom troglobiontskih vrst v vseh Beneških Predalpah, od katerih nekatere verjetno izvirajo izpred kvartarja. Z geološkega vidika predstavlja jama kontaktni kras, kjer so vzdolž stratigrafskega in tektonskega stika različni apnenci. Grotta dell' Arena je na stratigrafskem stiku med apnenci "Calcari del Gruppo di San Vigilio" in "Rosso Ammonitico" in je zelo blizu prelomne ploskve, vzdolž katere se vertikalno stikata omenjeni formaciji s formacijo "Biancone", to je vrsta drobnoplastovitega in gosto prepokanega, slabo odpornega apnenca. Zanimiva je prisotnost precejšnjega števila terciarnih oziroma splošneje predkvartarnih vrst. To je verjetno v zvezi z jamsko geologijo. V prispevku so podrobneje obravnavane različne vrste podzemskih kraških sistemov v sami jami Grottta dell' Arena kot tudi v gorah Lessini in tudi njihovi odnosi z razporeditvijo jamskega živalstva. Abstract UDC 551.442:574.4 (234.323.4) Leonardo Latella & Ugo Sauro: Aspects of the evolution of an important geo-ecosystem in the Lessinian Mountain (Venetian Prealps, Italy) The Grotta dell' Arena (476 V/VR), located in the Lessinian Mountain, at the elevation of 1512 m a.s.l., is a very important underground karst system. Although it is only 74 m long, several of the geological, geomorphological and environmental features of the High Lessinian underground karst are present in this cave. The Grotta dell' Arena shares some common geological and faunistic characters with other important and well known karst systems. This cave has also one of the highest number of troglobitic species in all Venetian Prealps and some of them possibly originated in the pre-quaternary. From the geological point of view the cave is the expression of a contact karst, where different limestone types come in contact both stratigraphically and along tectonic structures. The Grotta dell' Arena is located at the stratigraphic contact between the "Calcari del Gruppo di San Vigilio" and the "Rosso Ammonitico" and it is very close to a fault plane putting in vertical contact the two above formations with the "Biancone", a kind of limestone closely stratified and densely fractured, very sensible to frost weathering. It is interesting to note the presence of a good number of species of Tertiary, or more generally pre-quaternary, originate in the Grotta dell' Arena. This presence is possibly related to the geology of caves. In this paper the different kinds of underground karst systems in the Grottta dell' Arena and Lessinian Mountain, are analyzed and the relation with the cave fauna distribution are taken in consideration.