Computation of a Nash Equilibrium of Multiple-Leader Stackelberg Network Games

Volkan Rodoplu, Gautam S. Raj
2010 2010 Fifth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications  
We propose a multiple-leader Stackelberg network game to model the pricing decisions of relay nodes on an arbitrary topology between a source and a destination, under a reservation-based traffic model. After deriving closed-form solutions for the special cases of serial and parallel networks, we present a centralized algorithm that finds a Nash equilibrium of the multiple-leader Stackelberg network game. We design an algorithm that converges to a Nash equilibrium for an arbitrary relay
more » ... We analyze the performance of the algorithm in the context of energy-limited wireless networks.
doi:10.1109/icsnc.2010.43 fatcat:oej3rlcmpvhrzlcqm632lxc3q4