Appraisal of mechanical properties of different particle sizes of palm kernel shell, coconut shell and mixed palm kernel-coconut shells particles epoxy-filled composites

A. B. Alabi, M. A. Salawu, R. A. Jimoh, T. Akomolafe
2020 Sri Lankan Journal of Physics  
This study presents the appraisal of indentation hardness and flexural modulus of composites prepared by mixing particles of palm kernel shell (PKS), coconut shell (CNS) and mixtures of palm kernel-coconut shell (MPKCNS) of different sizes (35.5 µm, 75 µm and 106 µm) with epoxy and hardener for various applications. The Rockwell hardness tester results showed that PKS particles epoxy filled composites of 35.5 µm had the highest hardness number of 77 while the MPKCNS particles epoxy filled
more » ... ites of 106 µm had the least hardness number of 43. The CNS particles epoxy filled composites of 35.5 µm and 75 µm had relatively higher flex moduli of 428.66 MPa and 425.55 MPa respectively. The particle size of 106 µm had relatively higher flexure extension than 35.5 µm and 75 µm. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis revealed proper adhesion of the shell particles and epoxy resins with little or no pores in the composites. The PKS particles epoxy filled composites of 35.5 µm can be employed to enhance the mechanical properties of the composites for engineering applications.
doi:10.4038/sljp.v21i1.8071 fatcat:fa5rvisjlbh63lcyb5ecfuw3i4