Fuzzy Redirection Algorithm for Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Thiago Queiroz De Oliveira, Marcial Fernandez
Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers on the Internet. Its main goal is to serve requests from users providing high availability and performance. It also reduces the system failure risk providing redirection to many replica servers. It can provide load balancing between servers, avoiding network bottlenecks and, therefore, ensuring greater performance and QoE (Quality of Experience) to the end user. One of the critical issues
more » ... volving CDN networks is the algorithm used to choose the replica server, because it directly influences the performance and scalability of the network. In this paper, an algorithm for choosing the best replica server is proposed. The proposal is compared in simulation against other algorithms in the literature. Finally, we show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to improve the choice of the best replica server in CDN.