Referee report. For: Teachers as educational change agents: what do we currently know? findings from a systematic review [version 1; peer review: 1 approved]

Johan Beckmann
Change agents are individuals who can successfully transform aspects of how organisations operate. In education, teachers as change agents are increasingly seen as vital to the successful operation of schools and self-improving school systems. To date, however, there has been no systematic investigation of the nature and role of teacher change agents. To address this knowledge gap, we undertook a systematic review into five key areas regarding teachers as change agents. After reviewing 70
more » ... s we found that current literature predominantly positions teacher change agents as the deliverers of top-down change, with the possibility of bottom-up educational reform currently neglected. Keywords teacher change agents, educational change agents, school change, school system change, self-improving school systems, systematic review This article is included in the Quality Education for All gateway.
doi:10.21956/emeraldopenres.15477.r27921 fatcat:oq4zw6tj6jdu3hpwabbyi364ie