Role of Cytology in Evaluation of Neck Swellings

Dr Sweta
2018 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
Neck swellings include various non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of lymph node, salivary gland, thyroid and soft tissue. Neoplasms of neck region account for majority of cancers in India, accounting for 23% of all cancers in males and 6% in females. Aim: 1. To evaluate the role of FNAC and its utility in diagnosis of palpable neck masses. 2. To study the spectrum of swellings in neck region. Material and Methods: A total of 315 cases of neck swellings over a period of 1 year between
more » ... 2016 to December 2017, presenting to the Department of Pathology, FMHS, SGT University, Gurugram were taken. Result: Out of 315 patients of neck swellings studied, lymph node (56.82%) was the predominant site aspirated with tubercular lymphadenitis being the commonest. Thyroid lesions constituted 26.98% followed by salivary gland (6.98%), cystic (5.39%) and soft tissue lesions (2.23%). FNAC was inconclusive in 1.58% cases. Conclusion: FNAC is a simple, quick, inexpensive and minimally invasive technique to diagnose neck swellings. It can obviate the need for surgery in some of non-neoplastic lesions. Thus, FNAC can be recommended as a first line investigation in diagnosis of neck swellings.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v6i7.82 fatcat:fl6tqeok5nhgjcsybzbsa6ggdm