The Hough Transform's Implicit Bayesian Foundation

Neil Toronto, Bryan S. Morse, Dan Ventura, Kevin Seppi
2007 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing  
This paper shows that the basic Hough transform is implicitly a Bayesian process-that it computes an unnormalized posterior distribution over the parameters of a single shape given feature points. The proof motivates a purely Bayesian approach to the problem of finding parameterized shapes in digital images. A proof-of-concept implementation that finds multiple shapes of four parameters is presented. Extensions to the basic model that are made more obvious by the presented reformulation are discussed.
doi:10.1109/icip.2007.4380033 dblp:conf/icip/TorontoMVS07 fatcat:su7inlkrk5hupchbx4srvljm5q