Selective reduction of PbSO4 to PbS with carbon and flotation treatment of synthetic galena

Yong-Xing Zheng, Wei Liu, Wen-Qing Qin, Jun-Wei Han, Kang Yang, Hong-Lin Luo
In order to recover lead from the zinc leaching residues, a new technology involving selective reduction of lead sulfate to lead sulfide with carbon followed by flotation was investigated. The reduction thermodynamics of PbSO 4 was discussed and the effects of molar ratio of C to PbSO 4 , reaction temperature and time were examined by thermogravimetry (TG) and XRD. Verification tests were further carried out to prove the conclusions of thermodynamic and TG analyses, and the transformation
more » ... could reach 86.45% under the optimal roasting conditions. The prepared galena was then subjected to micro-flotation tests, and the highest lead recovery could reach up to 75.32%.
doi:10.5277/ppmp150214 fatcat:2qrqhkg53bdcvok6sh2husrki4