Adding autonomic functionality to object-oriented applications

M. Schanne, T. Gelhausen, W.F. Tichy
14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2003. Proceedings.  
Integrating applications with autonomic ,fiinctions such as checkpointing/restart, self-healing or self-updating is diflcult and time consuming [8] . We demonstrate tlmt autonomic,f~tnctionality can he sepuruted,frotn upplications und supplied by default imple?nentations, thereby dramatically reducing the cost oj'scipplying autonomy. This article proposes a proxy/vvrapper technique with an additiorzul code Izook-lip infrustr~lct~ire to provide applic~ztion adaptation with self-upduting,
more » ... figuratior~ and self-optimizution ,fiinctionalities.
doi:10.1109/dexa.2003.1232107 dblp:conf/dexaw/SchanneGT03 fatcat:z365ngl4qbh4bjp7aocb7dmhaa