The Development Strategy of Bukit Lawang Ecotourism and Its Impact toward Community Economy in Langkat Regency

Dandy Rizha Fhonna, Suwardi Lubis, Agus Purwoko
2021 International journal of research and review  
The development of tourism area brings many benefits to the community economically, socially and culturally. This study aims to analyse the development strategy of Bukit Lawang Ecotourism to improve the community economy and to analyse the influence of community participation, education, job opportunity, institution, and infrastructure on the community economy in Langkat Regency. This study was conducted in Bukit Lawang Ecotourism, Sei Bahorok District, Langkat Regency towards Bukit Lawang
more » ... sm visitors with a sample of 99 respondents selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaire and analysed using SWOT analysis and quantitative descriptive approach. The SWOT analysis revealed that the potential development strategy to use is S-O (Strength-Opportunity). It refers to a strategy using the strengths by taking advantage of strategic opportunities. It allows the implementation of strategies that support aggressive growth policies. Moreover, the results showed a positive influence of community participation, education, job opportunity, institution, and infrastructure on the development of Bukit Lawang Ecotourism in improving the community economy in Langkat Regency. Community participation and infrastructure significantly affect the development of the tourist site. Finally, the implication of the study is discussed further in this paper. Keywords: Human Resources Competence, Implementation of RMIS, Organizational Commitment, Ease of Use of Information Systems.
doi:10.52403/ijrr.20210711 fatcat:qadrl6e47jfmjmn7ysxx7pgq5q