Visual Analytics of Paleoceanographic Conditions

Roberto Theron
2006 2006 IEEE Symposium On Visual Analytics And Technology  
Decade scale oceanic phenomena like El Niño are correlated with weather anomalies all over the globe. Only by understanding the events that produced the climatic conditions in the past will it be possible to forecast abrupt climate changes and prevent disastrous consequences for human beings and their environment. Paleoceanography research is a collaborative effort that requires the analysis of paleo time-series, which are obtained from a number of independent techniques and instruments and
more » ... uced by a variety of different researchers and/or laboratories. The complexity of these fenomena that consist of massive, dynamic and often conflicting data can only be faced by means of analytical reasoning supported by a highly interactive visual interface. This paper presents an interactive visual analysis environment for paleoceanography that permits to gain insight into the paleodata and allow the control and steering of the analitycal methods involved in the reconstruction of the climatic conditions of the past.
doi:10.1109/vast.2006.261452 dblp:conf/ieeevast/Theron06 fatcat:d6pxelsf2nhnniru2qmyheqwri