The treatment of chronic purulent otitis media with glycerite of hydrogen peroxide

Walter E. Owen
1949 The Laryngoscope  
Although antiseptic substances capable of achieving a temporary "degerming" of the skin, for pre-operative use, are available, there are few non-allergenic, germicidal preparations which can be applied-without risk-to chronic mixed infections of the skin for prolonged periods of time. Since hydrogen peroxide is free of allergenic principles and since its end-products, water and oxygen, are relatively safe, its use as a germicidal agent can be recommended in preparations in which its
more » ... l action is prolonged. With the use of the urea peroxide (4%) as a source of hydrogen peroxide (1.5%) in metal-free glycerol, a detergent, deodorant, non-allergenic solution, possessed of a broad antibacterial spectrum may be prepared. The glycerol vehicle is bygroscopic. Its surface tension does not permit the escape of the oxygen released from the hydrogen peroxide by tissue catalase or peroxidase. The retained oxygen acts to churn the solucion, continuously renewing the interface between the antiseptic and the tissues.
doi:10.1288/00005537-194909000-00007 pmid:18143038 fatcat:hahwnubfnzfxpam45wru2vgwhe