Railway subsidence monitoring by high resolution INSAR time series analysis in Tianjin

Qingli Luo, Daniele Perissin, Hui Lin, Qinghua Li, Ralf Duering
2011 2011 19th International Conference on Geoinformatics  
Large-scale man-made linear f eatures has played more and more important role in modern lif e and the development of urban are seriously aff ected by the subsidence of them. Permanent Scatterers (PS) technology was developed as a powerf ul tool for subsidence monitoring. High resolution of 1m data can be provided by TerraSAR X-band (TSX) with a short revisit period of 11days. More detail and sensitive subsidence information can be expected to be detected by X-band. In this paper, we exploited
more » ... e potential of TSX for railway subsidence monitoring. A case study was conducted in Tianjin. A total of 37 TSX images acquired f rom 2009/4/29 to 2010/11/11 were used in PS analysis. The average def ormation map and geocoded Permanent Scatterer were generated by SARPROZ.
doi:10.1109/geoinformatics.2011.5980745 fatcat:lc62i4wkenc5fkrllwrfqjbzza