Shilpa D. Girme, Madhuri P. Bhide, Vasudha Asutkar
2020 Zenodo  
According to Ayurved, those who have healthy bones and skeletal system are known as Asthi sara-purusha. These individuals have strong bones, teeth and nails. Also they are very strong, active and enthusiastic. Asthi gives the firmness and stability to body and mind. But there are individuals with unhealthy bones also. Recently, bone disorders have become one of the imperative health issues worldwide. Due to the changing lifestyle, eating habits, daily regimen and sedentary work, the number of
more » ... ople being affected has been increasing.Bone disorder is the most common cause of pain and prolonged disability in patients. Bones are the main structure that hold the body and give a definite shape to every individual. But if this skeletal structure has deformity it surely affects the day-to-day activities as well as social being. Bone disorders are more common and also difficult to treat in geriatric, pediatric, weak patients, under-nourished andvatalarugna. So, modification in diet and regimen can prevent or delay early degenerative changes in bone. For this sake, it is necessary to study the influential factors for the status of health of Asthi.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3842948 fatcat:gy4ky7f7wbf5fmmgd6n2ealwcy