Effect of chronic middle cerebral artery stenosis on the local cerebral hemodynamics

H Naritomi, T Sawada, Y Kuriyama, H Kinugawa, T Kaneko, M Takamiya
1985 Stroke  
In 36 patients with angiographically proven middle cerebral artery (MCA) stenosis, local cerebral hemodynamics were studied employing angiography, l33 Xe inhalation regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) measurements and CT scans. They had transient ischemic attacks in 8 and completed stroke in 28. The patients with less than 50% stenosis (n = 16) had no hemodynamic abnormality in angiographical and rCBF examinations. The infarction in this group was small and located in the basal ganglia area.
more » ... patients with 50 to 74% stenosis (n = 9) often revealed a delayed filling of MCA branches in the angiography, however, they showed no significant rCBF reduction. The infarction in this group was also small and located in the basal ganglia area. The patients with 75 to 99% stenosis (n = 11) exhibited a significant flow depression both in angiographical and rCBF examinations. Three of them had large cerebral infarction in the watershed zone or the cerebral cortex. The results of the present study suggest that the hemodynamic effect of MCA stenosis begins to manifest at 50% in grade and becomes apparent at 75%. The danger of hemodynamic crisis as well as the risk of large cerebral infarction may increase when MCA stenosis exceeds 75% in grade.
doi:10.1161/01.str.16.2.214 pmid:3975958 fatcat:hqkn3tuaqbalxk274pify5j5pu