Measuring the Quality of Life in Children

M. Kostak
2006 Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment  
Quality of life measurements have been using mostly in the evaluation of medical care for chronic illnesses in recent years. Although various numbers of health-related quality of life scales have been developed for adults, quality of life measurement for children is one of the new working fields. Multi-dimensional effects of the illnesses on children and families will be understood with the measurement of health-related quality of life for children who have a chronic illness, so planning,
more » ... ng and evaluating the results of nursing care will guide. Despite children are in the process of continuous growth/development and they spend their time in different leisure facilities instead of adults, health-related quality of life scales developed for adults are not appropriate for children. Therefore, specialized scales should be developed for children.
doi:10.1080/13102818.2006.10817392 fatcat:o45rkpjgebdihodmqn3s7sr2rq