Competing for the Responsibility of the Operational Meteorological Satellite Program: After the Launch of TIROS in 1960
현업용 기상위성에 대한 주도권 다툼: 1960년 TIROS 발사 이후

Myoung-Hwan Ahn
2014 Atmosphere  
Currently, Korea is developing a Cheollian follow-on satellite program, named as Geostationary Korea Multipurpose Satellite 2 (GK-2), which consists of two satellites. One satellite (GK-2A) is dedicated to the meterological mission, while the second one (GK-2B) hosts two main payloads for the ocean and environmental application. As GK-2A is dedicated to the meteorological mission unlike Cheollian, there have been discussions on the possibility of transferring the responsibilities of the GK-2A
more » ... ogram to the Korea Meteorological Administration. To help resolve any consumptive disputes or to find an efficient way for the GK-2A program, the events happened after the successful launch of the first meteorological satellite TIROS-1 in the U.S. in April 1960 are investigated. With the successful demonstration of usefulness of TIROS-1 for the meteorological applications, organizations such as the Weather Bureau and the Department of Defense, responsible for the real time application of the TIROS 1 data, strongly requested for an operational meteorological satellite program which resulted in the plan for the National Operational Meteorological Satellite System (NOMSS). The plan was strongly supported by Kennedy Adminstration and was put forwarded for the new program under the responsibility of Weather Bureau to the Congress. However, the responsible Committee on Science and Aeronautics sided with NASA and requested major revision of the responsibility. Due to many unfavorable conditions, Weather Bureau accepted the requests and signed with NASA on the agreement for the operational meteorological satellite. However, with the delay of Nimbus satellite which is planned to be used for the prototype of the operational satellite and changes of the unfavorable situations, the Weather Bureau could draw a second agreement with NASA. The new agreement reflected most propositions requested by the Weather Bureau for the NOMSS plan. Until now the second agreement is regarded as the basic principles for the operational meteorological satellite program in the U.S. This study investigates the backgrounds and processes of the second agreement and its implications for the GK-2 program. Key words: National operational meteorological satellite system, agreement between the weather bureau and NASA, TIROS-1, geostationary Korea multipurpose satellite
doi:10.14191/atmos.2014.24.2.265 fatcat:bkjjnyqcqnb4jjler6iighkdzu