Contents, Vol. 49, 1986

1986 Respiration  
in Marihuana-Induced Bronchodilation Laviolette, M.; Bélanger, J 10 Changes of Volume of Trapped Gas after Bronchodilation in Subjects with Suspected Subclinical Emphysema Christensson, P.; Arborelius, M., Jr.; Kautto-Wiberg, R 16 Mean Transit Time, Forced Expiratory Volume and Age in Healthy Male Smokers and Non-Smokers Bosisio, E.; Scoccimarro, A.; Rizzi, M.; Raguso, A.; Sergi, M 23 Serotonin Receptors in Rat Lung Das, D.K.; Steiberg, H 27 Hyperventilation Syndrome: Measurement of Objective
more » ... mptoms and Subjective Complaints Stoop, A.; Boo, T. de; Lemmens, W.; Folgering, H 37 Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis Bosch, J.M.M. van den; Heye, C; Wagenaar, S.S.; Velzen-Blad, H.C.W. van 45 Comparison of Lung Volume Measurements by Single Breath Helium and Multiple Breath Nitrogen. Equilibration Methods in Normal Subjects and COPD Patients Brugman, T.M.; Morris, J.F.; Temple, W.P 52 Peptide Hormone Immunoreactivity and Prognosis in Small-Cell Carcinoma of the Lung Kasurinen, J.; Syrjänen, K.J 61
doi:10.1159/000194885 fatcat:j56yvxeyhvfnxn24p2lohntgpa