Features of structure and properties of hemp cellulose nitrates

A. V. Kostochko, Z. T. Valishina, R. Ya. Deberdeev
2019 Plasticheskie massy  
Comprehensive studies of the structural, molecular and physico-chemical properties of cellulose nitrates from hemp fiber were carried out using modern research methods: capillary viscometry, IR Fourier spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, gel permeation chromatography. The results of the study revealed features of the influence of inter- and intramolecular interactions in cellulose macromolecules from various types of fiber, the degree of crystallinity of the initial material, and the degree of
more » ... dispersity on the formation of qualitative characteristics of hemp cellulose nitrates.
doi:10.35164/0554-2901-2019-9-10-41-44 fatcat:7z2zem3p3fbnpa5fzhqb745fze