Terrestrial gastropods (Mollusca) of province Madang in Papua - New Guinea. Part III. Pulmonata: Rathousiidae, Ellobiidae, Succineidae, Agriolimacidae, Endodontidae (Partim), Ariophantidae, Euconulidae, Subulinidae, Streptaxidae

Andrzej Wiktor
2003 Folia Malacologica  
This paper is the third publication devoted to the gastropods of the province of Madang in Papua-New Guinea. The morphology, distribution and ecology of species found by the author during his field research in Papua in 1990 are discussed, providing also information on the species recorded from this region by former researchers yet not confirmed to occur by himself.
doi:10.12657/folmal.011.001 fatcat:6acy4kxan5hedhtqlbbfkvbloy