Mapping Free Educational Software Intended for the Development of Numerical and Algebraic Reasoning

Eliane Elias Ferreira dos Santos, Aleandra da Silva Figueira-Sampaio, Gilberto Arantes Carrijo
2017 International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research  
Educational software has significantly changed how mathematics is taught and learned. One challenge for educators is choosing the most appropriate software among numerous options. Therefore, we mapped free mathematics education software according to number and operation content. The study was carried out with public elementary school teachers (grades 6 -9). The teachers watched a presentation on the features of each software type and filled out a checklist about the software and its content.
more » ... results showed that 63% of the 32 software titles were appropriate for developing numeric and algebraic reasoning. According to the teachers, these titles were appropriate for developing and consolidating concepts related to the number system, operations and properties of natural and whole numbers, numeric expressions, divisibility, prime numbers, decomposition into prime factors, GCD, LCM, operations with rational numbers in fraction and decimal form, comparison and operations on equivalent fractions, first degree equations, and first and second degree polynomial functions.
doi:10.26803/ijlter.16.11.3 fatcat:qkfa6iq5dvfa7fs5fnf6pdfhoi